Wednesday 23 January 2013

Reflection & Development

As a part of multi disciplined design team we should develop a consumer product or service and associated brand identity that is a response an every day problem or issues. Basically we should find a problem and process is to reflect as group on them. through a discussion and creative process we have to identified number of products possibilities and their related market, also customer character and their life aspiration.
In first session with Damian, he explained what is the core of learning in this semester and what the masters are expected from our works.
We have seen a "Flash Back" project today and it makes the project more clear for the students.
Innovation = New Method - New Relationship and we should take a risk as a positive. In risk management are multiple layer of risk that we have to analyse them. In addition we should document relationship and risk analyzes.
Innovation process Kolb's cycle

Risk Management Cycle (adopted from Andy Bruce & Ken Langdon (2000) Strategic Thinking)

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