Sunday 27 January 2013

First Group meeting

We have started our work in semester two with making group. Our group is include by Sam(me, Iran), Toon (Thailand), Kurt & Julian (Malta). I think our combination is good, I have background from Graphic and management, Toon studied in handy craft and has experience in clothes, Julian is good at graphic & design and Kurt is a creative teammate with design background. We are four boys in a group and in first session we didn't decide about a name of our team.
In 24/01/2013 we have decided about how to finding  problems or issues which is irritating us. Actually we are still confused about what kind of problems should we look at, but basically we divided our idea into four category which are
1. Food industry
2. Music
3. Clothes
4. Design
We talked about these subjects but we couldn't find an interesting subject to work on it.
All idea were raw and because of lack of study on subjects we didn't have a brain storming. So we decided every body study about their field and try to understand what is the core concept of this project and doing some research on creative ideas all around the world and then we come up on Monday with a information and basic ideas.

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