Sunday 18 November 2012

Nando's Research

When the companies working well, finding a business report about them is really difficult. Searching for Nando's information taking long time and I've sent more than twenty mail around the world(!) to get suitable information. However this is a new experience abut research for me and I am glad to working hard ;)

My Wealth Cloud

Working on David Alexander project! My wealth cloud company is a management document service which is online. we have to make Market in Action and and Oppurtiunity Evaluation of company. We had had a presentation for Mr. Damian Chapman last week about SWAT analyses of company and finding a potential competitors. and in this week we have to come up some other business stuff for that particular company. We have our focus to make a value for company and help to Mr. Alexander to improve his business :)

Sunday 11 November 2012

Last Tuesday we had some fun in class with Neehan and Gordon, we created some robot machete with Halloween theme! some of my classmates machete was really funny and this kind of classes can help our creativity and makes students relax after many weeks with hard stuff :))

Monday 5 November 2012

This is an other book that I am reading in this week ! hard job but I have to :)
The creators of the revolutionary performance management tool called the Balanced Scorecard introduce a new approach that makes strategy a continuous process owned not just by top management, but by everyone. In The Strategy-Focused Organization, Robert Kaplan and David Norton share the results of ten years of learning and research into more than 200 companies that have implemented the Balanced Scorecard. Drawing from more than twenty in-depth case studies-including Mobil, CIGNA, Nova Scotia Power, and AT&T Canada-Kaplan and Norton illustrate how Balanced Scorecard adopters have taken their groundbreaking tool to the next level. These organizations have used the scorecard to create an entirely new performance management framework that puts strategy at the center of key management processes and systems.
In these days I am reading a

Research Methods in Education 

Louis Cohen , Lawrence Manion , Keith Morrison

Process pf research :)